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Using Redis Object cache on Wordpress
Creating a Redis cache instance on your cPanel for WordPress can significantly improve your websi...
How to Upgrade a Hosting Account
Free SSL
We provide free SSL with all of our shared cloud hosting plans. The SSL coverage is available for...
Configure SMTP mails on wordpress
Get Webmail Emails in Gmail
You can connect your webmail with gmail, so you can read emails directly from your gmail inbox.To...
How to login to Wordpress
You can access Wordpress admin using any of these 2 methods 1 Using Wordpress login informatio...
How can I access cPanel
You can access cPanel using any of these 2 methods 1 Using Client Area To access cPanel using...
Which Nameservers should I use on my domain?
If you are using an existing domain with your new hosting account, you will need to update the na...
Where can I find my cPanel login details?
You can see your cPanel login details in client area. Please follow these steps. From Left sid...
How to Change nameservers?
If You have purchased domain from Middlehost and want to change nameservers of the domain, You ca...